
Why should you participate in a group class? Exercise is simple, right? You move your body, lift heavy things and stretch and you should be all set. That’s what many people believe and set out to do but fail to meet their fitness goals. Why is it that so many people want to improve their health and fitness and seem to have such a hard time accomplishing this goal?

There are many resources out there telling you how to work out, what to do and what to eat. It should be easy to accomplish your fitness goals on your own. And yet it isn’t. Most people have good intentions, some motivation and the ability to transform their body. However, year after year they try and make these changes on their own and fail.

Why did they fail? What could they have done differently? What was missing?

Group classes!

Participating in a group class provides many benefits that you cannot get by working out on your own. If you have not tried one yet, I strongly encourage you to do so. I also encourage you to try different classes. Everyone has their own style and preferences when it comes to physical activity. Finding the right workout for you is fundamental to your success. Also changing your workout from time to time will keep you engaged, motivated and improving.

Whether you choose to take a class at a gym/studio, outside, or a live virtual class you adding a very important component to your workout routine. Some of the benefits that group classes provide are as follows…


Group classes offer accountability. When you sign up for something in advance you make a commitment to yourself to follow through. You are much more likely to participate in that activity and complete the class. When you choose to exercise on your own, it is much easier to find excuses to do something else or cut your workout short.


Group classes offer you a challenge. Sometimes it can be hard to push yourself to go to the next level. We often think we are much more limited than we really are. Classes are designed to challenge you to move past your mind’s limitations and find your true abilities. However, modifications are always given to make the classes accessible to all.


Group classes are motivating. On days when you really do not feel like doing anything, sometimes it is helpful to have someone tell you to move. The hardest part of a workout is beginning it. Newton’s first law says it best. “An object in motion stays in motion and and object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.” Let me be that “unbalanced force” pushing you towards motion.


There is no reason why you have to choose between socializing with your friends or getting your workout in. DO BOTH! Group classes are a great way to become more social, meet new people and develop relationships that are built to last.


Do you often become board with your workout? Are you looking for more creative ways to exercise? Group classes are designed to be inspiring, creative and fun. No two classes are exactly alike. This keeps you interested, and has been proven to be much more affective at transforming your body. When you complete the same activities over and over your body becomes accustomed to that activity. You will stop seeing improvements. By changing your activities and completing different exercises you continue to challenge your body and force it to improve and transform.

In Conclusion

I hope I have shown here why joining a group class can be so effective. You may already know what you need to do to get your body in shape. However, even fitness professionals take group classes. Knowing what to do and how to do it is often not enough to accomplish all of your fitness goals.

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