This is a great oatmeal recipe that can be made ahead of time and eaten all week. Oatmeal is a great source of gluten-free whole grains and contains many vitamins, …

Blueberry and Banana Baked Oatmeal Recipe

Are you looking to increase your cardiovascular exercise to lose weight or improve your health? Do you have limitations that prevent you from participating in high impact exercises such as …

Core Stabilization
Do you suffer from low back pain? If you answered yes, you are not alone. Many people share this complaint and it often stems from a weak core. Strengthening your …

Recovery, Just as Important as the Workout!
Finding the time to get your daily workout in can be a real challenge. So often we are so pressed for time that we neglect the recovery process. We spend …

All I want is some Amazing Abs!
This seems to be the focus of many of the people I work with. It seems many people are not happy with their waistline and when asked if they could …

I love this quote about patience. One would think as a yoga instructor I would be able to harness the power of patience and accept life peacefully as it occurs. …

Resolve to improve the person you are, not to be someone different!
I am sure we all have set some pretty high expectations in our New Year’s Resolutions in the past. Maybe even this year you have resolved to “eat healthy”, “become …

Finding Gratitude
Lately there has been a lot of things to complain about. It seems like just about everyone’s lives have been disrupted due to a multiple number of causes. One of …

The only constant in life is change!
One of the most fundamental lessons I learned during my yoga teacher training was how to deal with changes. I was going through some major changes in my personal life …

Our emotional seasons.
It is very hard to believe that I just took this photo a few days ago on my morning walk. The evening before we walked in a whiteout snowstorm and …