
Have you struggled with making the changes you know you need to make in order to improve your health, manage your stress, lose weight or reduce your physical pain? Do you feel like you have tried everything and have not found the secret to success? Are you overwhelmed with all of the options to improve your health and wellness and don’t know where to get started? Have you been exploring the idea of hiring a Health and Wellness Coach but aren’t sure what one exactly does?

I struggled for years trying to find the answers to all of the questions above. I have spent hundreds of hours researching the best ways to improve your health, wellness and fitness and continue to spend many hours every day discovering the “new” information and resources that are available. The good news for me is that I LOVE learning about this type of stuff. Many of the people I work with do not have the same passion for knowledge, they just want to know what will WORK.

If you answered yes to any of these questions then please continue reading. I will provide you with the knowledge you need to make a decision and an amazing opportunity to transform your life.

What is a Health & Wellness Coach?

A Health and Wellness Coach is your own personal companion. They will help you discover what you want to achieve. Why you want it and how you can make it happen. They will offer support, ask questions to help you discover the answers and provide some knowledge and information to help you make decisions. That is if you want them too. Their role is not to tell you what to do or how to do it. That approach rarely produces results. Instead they will help you discover the action plan that is right for you and will help you design a plan to implement it.

Services that a Health and Wellness Coach provides

Health and Wellness Coaching usually starts with asking a lot of questions. The answers to these questions aren’t as much for the Coach as they are for you. These questions will help you discover some fundamental information about what you are actually trying to achieve. Why you want to achieve it and why you haven’t been successful in the past.

The coach may provide you with worksheets regarding life balance, goal setting, values and life planning. The resources they provide will depend on what types of goals you are looking to achieve. They may also offer assessments or quizzes to help you determine where you are at in the beginning of your journey and help you track your progress along the way.

In addition, they can offer resources, information and guidance if you want them to. This may be helpful if you are not sure what actions to take to achieve your goals.

However, most importantly they are your support system and accountability partner. They will check in frequently and hold you accountable for doing what you agreed you need to do.

How to Get Started

If this sounds like something you want to pursue, it is rather easy to get started. There are many options when it comes to Health and Wellness Coaching. You may choose to see your Coach in person. Or you can sign up for an Online Health and Wellness Coach who sees their clients virtually. The benefits of an Online Coach is that you do not need to waste time traveling to see them, they may be easier to fit into your schedule and in most cases they are more affordable.

Many Health and Wellness Coaches also offer different programs depending on what you are looking to achieve. For example, you may choose a premium package that will address all areas of your health and wellness. Or maybe, you just want to focus on nutrition or fitness for now. For an example of what different programs may look like please see my list of services.

Furthermore, if you are interested in learning more about the services I provide and want to unlock your pathway to wellness: Book your complimentary consultation today!

If you want more information or have questions but are not ready for a consultation yet, you can also always send me an email at I would love to hear from you and help you discover how You can live Your Best Live!