I am sure we all have set some pretty high expectations in our New Year’s Resolutions in the past. Maybe even this year you have resolved to “eat healthy”, “become physically fit”, “get organized” , “find your inner peace”, etc. These are all great things to inspire to but chances are that shortly into the new year you will give up or forget that you ever even made these resolutions.
Why do most New Year’s Resolutions fail? I believe the answer is very simple. It is because we often resolve to be someone different instead of embracing who we are and setting out to improve where we are at. As a personal trainer I can give you a detailed “diet” or “exercise plan”. I can make it easy to follow and walk you through each step. I can tell you exactly what to eat, what exercises to perform, how to perform them and when but chances are at some point you will probably find this too difficult, give up and feel like you failed.
If this is true then how does one ever realize the changes that they seek? Again the answer is very simple. I believe that in order for us to make these changes we need to explore where we are at and make very small steps at moving forward. Start by exploring areas you are already successful at. Let’s look at improving our diet as an example since this is often the #1 New Year’s resolution set by most Americans. Instead of trying to change everything you eat overnight start by looking at exactly what you are eating now. Once you know where you are at it is easy to start moving forward. Can you replace one of the foods you are eating with a fruit or vegetable each day? Can you drink one more glass of water each day? Start there and resolve to make that very small change until it doesn’t feel like a change anymore. Once it is part of your daily routine and you no longer have to think about doing it anymore you are ready to make another very small change.
Improving ourselves is a life long process and one that we can be very successful at if we go about it correctly. You did not become the person you are overnight so don’t expect to be someone different in an instant. Embrace who you are and set out to improve that person in a loving and gentle way.