We all like to push ourselves and challenge our abilities at times. We are often looking to make changes or improve our health and physical bodies. Our workout routines are often designed to challenge our strength, cardio abilities and even flexibility. However, we often neglect a very important aspect of fitness. We fail to take time to restore. Restorative Yoga is a very important component of fitness and should be part of everyone’s practice.
In Restorative Yoga you learn how to connect with your body. You begin to listen to the messages that it is telling you. And you begin to give it what it needs. By having that connection to your body, all of the other components begin to work much more effectively. In other words, Restorative Yoga helps you balance your strength training, cardio training and flexibility training so you are able to produce the best results.
Sometimes the most difficult thing to do is to do nothing at all.
Restorative Yoga teaches you how to be still and how to quiet your mind. For many people this is a very difficult task. We often fill our days with constant activity. And we have even mastered the art of multitasking to the point where we rarely ever do one thing at a time. Restorative Yoga forces you to stop moving, feel your body and try to limit your thoughts to the sensations you are feeling within.
There are many physical and psychological benefits to participating in this type of practice. Here are just a few.
- Promotes relaxation, calms the nervous system
- Releases muscle tension, improves flexibility and brings awareness to areas of weakness or injury
- Improves the immune system and enhances the body’s natural abilities to heal.
- Improves sleep quality
- Heals emotional pain and helps you connect with your emotions
- Reduces blood pressure
- Strengthens breathing patterns.
What does a class look like?
In Restorative Yoga poses are often held longer than in other types of yoga classes. Most of the poses are passive and your body is in a resting position. Some of the poses may be challenging at times depending on your level of flexibility. However, modifications are often given so that everyone is able to complete the pose. All of your major muscle groups are addressed during the class. Although, at times, certain muscles may be focused on if the class is designed to target a specific area. Healing properties of the poses may also be explained. This give you a better understanding of the purpose of the pose.
How do I participate?
I strongly recommend adding a Restorative Yoga class to your schedule at least weekly. Classes can be in-person at a studio or virtual, where ever your will be most comfortable. If you are taking the class at home, I recommend purchasing a set of yoga blocks and a strap. These simple yoga tools will assist you with your practice and help you to relax into the poses.
I offer a few restorative classes every week on my schedule. Be sure to check them out and find a time that works best for you. Sign up now and put it in your calendar. By making this part of your fitness routine your body will definitely thank you for it.