When building your strength, there are many exercises you can do in a chair. These exercises are great if you have any mobility issues. And are also great if you want to complete some exercises while your are seated at your desk in the office. However, I strongly recommend that you get up and move around at least every hour if you are able to.
I will provide 8 simple chair exercises for you to try here. I have included 4 upper-body chair exercises that target your arms, chest and back. Along with 4 lower body chair exercises that target your legs, abdominals and glutes. To complete these exercises you will need a set of lightweight dumbbells ( water bottles can be used) and a lightweight ball ( a small pillow can be used).
Seated Bicep Curls

For seated Bicep Curls you will want to sit towards the edge of your chair if you can. Start with your hands and weights by your side with your palms facing your legs. As you bend your arms, slowly rotate the weights so that your palms face your chest. Then slowly return to starting. Try and keep this motion slow and controlled and try not to move your chest while completing this exercise.
Seated Reverse Fly

For a seated Reverse Fly you will want to sit towards the edge of your chair and lean forward to about a 45 degree angle. Start with your arms and weights extended in front of you with your palms facing each other. Next, slowly raise your arms out the the side keeping your arms straight but do not lock your elbows. Then, return to starting position. Keeping this motion slow and controlled, do not allow gravity to do all of the work when lowering your arms.
Seated Shoulder Press

For a seated Shoulder Press start with your hands and weights by your shoulders, palms facing each other. Keep your elbows in by your sides. Slowly raise the weights overhead, palms still facing each other. Then return to starting. Again, keeping this motion slow and controlled, not allowing gravity to do all of the work when you lower the weights.
Overhead Tricep Extension

For an Overhead Tricep Extension start with the weights overhead pressed together. Palms facing each other. Next, slowly bend your elbows to bring the weights behind your head if you can. DO NOT move your head or neck forward when doing this. Then slowly return to starting.
Seated Marches

For Seated Marches start seated with your feet on the floor. Slowly raise one knee as high as you can while keeping your torso still. Lower, then repeat with the other knee. This exercise can be completed nice and slow or more quickly to add a little low-impact cardio to your workout.
Seated Leg Raise

For a seated Leg raise, start with one knee bent, foot on the floor and the other leg straight, heel on the floor. Slowly raise the straight leg as high as you can, trying not to lean back much in your chair. Then slowly lower the leg to starting, not allowing gravity to do most of the work. You can repeat several repetitions on one leg before doing the other leg or you can alternate legs. For a challenge you can lift both legs at the same time. Keep your feet together, and legs straight.
Seated Knee Extension

For a seated Knee Extension start with your legs bent, feet flat on the floor. Slowly straighten one leg, keeping your foot flexed, toes pointing directly up. Then slowly lower back to starting. Again, keep this motion slow and controlled and try not to lock or hyperextend your knee when your leg is straight.
Seated Inner Thigh Squeeze

For a seated Inner Thigh Squeeze you will want to place a ball or pillow between your knees. Slowly squeeze the ball using your thigh muscles and then return to a relaxed position.
I hope you enjoyed these chair exercises. Be sure to check out the other exercise ideas I have provided under resources and join me in a class for more inspiration and motivation.