Here is a super easy vegan sausage jambalaya recipe. By using a meat substitute you greatly reduce the calories and fat. This makes this meal a healthy choice on a busy night when you want some comfort food but do not want to ruin your diet.
- One package of vegan sausage of your choice ( about 4 links)

- 1 large green pepper
- 1 medium onion
- 1 Tablespoon of olive oil
- 1 Package of Zatarains Jambalaya rice mix

- 1 can of black beans
- 1 can of corn
- Brown vegan sausage in 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes. Turning over once while cooking.
- Sauté onions and peppers in 1 Tablespoon olive oil.
- Prepare rice mix according to the instructions on the box. ( leave all other ingredients out until rice is completely cooked.
- Combine all ingredients and serve! Total preparation and cooking time: about 30 minutes.
If you enjoyed this recipe please be sure to check out my other recipes and share with your friends.
Nice. Will try for Corey