All forms of physical activity are important for maintaining and improving your fitness, health and wellness. However, cardio exercise is one of the best forms of physical activity for lowering …

Cardio Exercise: The Key to Lowering Blood Pressure

How to maximize your cardio workout to lose weight.
Many struggle with long cardio workouts despite their belief they are essential for weight loss. While steady-state exercise may feel easier, it lowers metabolism. Instead, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) promotes the EPOC effect, allowing for greater calorie burn in less time. Varying exercises and incorporating strength training further enhance results.

How to stay calm and happy this holiday season.
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”. I am sure you have heard this saying in songs, commercials and movies. Why is it then, that during this time of …

RAPID Goals; The new SMART Goals to achieve success.
For as long as I can remember I have been obsessed with setting goals. I have read many books on this subject, listened to countless podcasts addressing goal setting and …

Thanksgiving Pre-Game Workout
Here is a Thanksgiving Pre-game workout that will burn a ton of calories helping you prepare a little for the big day. This workout takes about 30 minutes and is …

Get Moving Game
The Get Moving Game is a great way to get your workout in when you are stuck at home, board with your traditional workout and want some more inspiration. All …

The 12 “Exercises” of Christmas!
Here is a fun workout idea that can be used all times of the year, not just for Christmas. It is designed around the song ” The 12 Days of …

Viparita Karani – Legs up the Wall Pose
Viparita Karani or Legs up the Wall Pose may look very simple. In fact it is very easy to do and very relaxing. This is one of the many restorative …

Why participate in a group class?
Why should you participate in a group class? Exercise is simple, right? You move your body, lift heavy things and stretch and you should be all set. That’s what many …

Strength Exercises You Can Do In a Chair.
When building your strength, there are many exercises you can do in a chair. These exercises are great if you have any mobility issues. And are also great if you …