I am sure that we have all heard of burnout. It is usually how you describe an employee who is working too many hours and is not properly caring for …

Burnout, the phenomenon that will derail your fitness journey.

REHIT- Cardio workouts in less than 10 minutes
Cardio workouts that take less than 10 minutes only two to three times per week? Surely this REHIT concept cannot work; or can it? The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd …

Total Body Band and Bodyweight Workout
Here is a band and bodyweight resistance workout with a cardio component. And it is very simple to complete at home. All you need is a set of resistance bands. …

Total Body Superset Workout
The goal for this total body workout is to build strength while keeping your heart rate elevated. This will increase the amount of calories you burn and give you a …

Bodyweight Total Body Workout
No equipment? No problem! You can still get a total body workout just using your own body weight. Give this workout a try when you are unable to get to …

Thanksgiving Pre-Game Workout
Here is a Thanksgiving Pre-game workout that will burn a ton of calories helping you prepare a little for the big day. This workout takes about 30 minutes and is …

Get Moving Game
The Get Moving Game is a great way to get your workout in when you are stuck at home, board with your traditional workout and want some more inspiration. All …

The 12 “Exercises” of Christmas!
Here is a fun workout idea that can be used all times of the year, not just for Christmas. It is designed around the song ” The 12 Days of …

How Fitness Improves Your Mind By Improving Brain Function.
Most people are aware of the many health benefits of incorporating fitness into your lifestyle. Fitness plays a key role in preventing many health conditions. It can also help manage …

Resolve to improve the person you are, not to be someone different!
I am sure we all have set some pretty high expectations in our New Year’s Resolutions in the past. Maybe even this year you have resolved to “eat healthy”, “become …