The term “corrective exercise” may seem to imply that you are “broken”. For something to be “corrected” then it must be incorrect in the first place. This often gives Corrective …

Corrective Exercise: Are you broken?

Beet Juice Booster
Here is a beet juice recipe that will boost your immune system, strengthen your heart and give you some energy. It contains only four ingredients but these four have many …

How to Increase your Metabolism In The Winter Months
Has your weight loss plateaued? Or, have you started gaining weight even though your diet and exercise routine has remained the same? If so, you may be in hibernation. In …

Get a Good Night’s Sleep!
Perhaps, the most important thing you can do for your Body. We have all experienced the short term effects of getting a poor nights sleep on occasion. The tired, confused, …

Burnout, the phenomenon that will derail your fitness journey.
I am sure that we have all heard of burnout. It is usually how you describe an employee who is working too many hours and is not properly caring for …